Now, what do I want to take to GMX?
I’ve actually got a convention BEFORE GMX —- but it’s work, I don’t think I get to take any costumes LOL But I hear some of the booths have crazy costumes and stuff so I’ll be taking pictures.
So, was thinking about GMX today. I may stick Kevin in Chase’s Time Lord, in which case, I’ll wear mine again too.
I’ll probably take Meg, Johanna, Rogue as Ms Marvel. I dunno what else.
I’m also going to be getting back to work on Elsa, though I don’t plan to have it finished for GMX. Would be nice to have for Halloween, though.
And back to work on Donna Unicorn & Wasp, too…
Chase & I have decided to not do Star Wars Celebration next year. We had considered it, doing a small Disneyland/Celebration trip – but with the travel days basically being full days of travel (and flights expensive) – we could spend the same amount, go to Disneyworld, stay a day longer, much shorter flights so more time there, AND get the dining plan for cheaper than Anaheim all together.
So that’s what we’ve decided we’re doing. As much as I’d love to go to Celebration AND to Disneyland again, it would be a lot of money for not a lot of vacation.
Also currently not planning any other cons next year except the regulars: MidSouthCon, Dragoncon, GMX, MCFC. If that changes, I’ll post, of course.